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Tire Rings

Tire rings can serve many purposes long after their life as a functional tire. Both the agricultural and construction industries benefit greatly from using tire rings, and at Marvin Meyers & Associates we know that. That is why we have several locations, from our 50 000 square foot operation in Chatham, to our 60 000 square foot operation in Brantford. Our operation is also home to the largest tire grinding mill in all of North America. When our customers need tire rings for any purpose, Marvin Meyers & Associates has the supplies they need.

Various benefits of using our tire sidewalls

  • - Disease prevention; rats and mosquitos are common place in many farms and each carries potentially harmful diseases. Using sidewalls instead of entire tires prevents stagnant water where mosquitos propagate, and deprives rats, and other unwanted rodents of a place to hide.
  • - - Silage security; farmers that use silage either for feed or for fuel, need to protect that silage. The best method of silage protection is by using tire sidewalls that reduce exposure to water, air, mold and pathogens.
  • - Easy storage; tire sidewalls are simple to stack, store, and transport. Removing the tread from the tires allows them to be stacked dozens high and easily left somewhere for later use.
  • - Environmentally friendly; Marvin Meyers & Associates uses only 100% recycled materials for our sidewalls. When our clients purchase their tire rings from us, they can be sure that they are not causing any unnecessary harm to the world around them.

We are taking orders for this season’s tire rings right now and supplies are limited!

Our knowledgeable and capable staff are able to inform each client about their numerous options. Contact us today to receive a quote tailored to your needs!